Different chat commands

    There are six different chat commands in FIBS, and they can be a little confusing. The commands can be divided into match-related chat messages and other chat messages:

    Match-related chat messages
    Kibitz chat message goes to both players and any match watchers. All the match-related chat messages appear in the Game Chat window. This is the most commonly used chat command while playing.
    Whisper chat message goes only to the match watchers (spectators), not to the players. Use this to chat with the other spectators without disturbing the players.
    Say chat message only goes to the two players. This is most commonly used by a player to send a message to his opponent without disturbing the spectators.

    You must be watching or playing a match to use the match-related chat messages. These messages appear in the Game Chat Window.

    Other chat messages
    Shout chat message goes to all logged-in players. Shout messages appear in the Public Chat window.
    Tell chat message goes to a single logged-in player. Talk messages can appear either in the Game Chat window, or in separate windows (see Edit > Preferences > Chat).
    Message chat message goes to a single player, who does not need to be currently logged in. The next time that player logs in, the message is sent. You can post messages to players in the Messages window, check here for details.

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